Thursday, 18 February 2016

Title Ideas

As seen in the image i looked at a few different fonts to use for my magazine title. I wanted something simple and minimalistic, something that could be easily recognised remembered. I chose to name my magazine ‘Sanity’, this is because I  wanted  my magazine to represent the idea of my magazine keeping the readers ‘sane’ with the music  and the information it provides for its readers.I also had other ideas such as 'Insanity' and 'Sane' however i did not feel that those captured the whole meaning of the genre I was working with. 'Sanity' has the pure meaning of ''the ability to think and behave in a normal and rational manner; sound mental health.'', I asked a variety of people, friends and family, both genders boys& girls which they preferred for the title and 'Sanity' received the most attention.

The magazine like any other chases after their most valued artists to feed their readers the most refreshing information and gossip. It focuses on reflecting and mirroring the artists souls within the genre with the colours,fonts,layout and images it uses. This is important for the audience as it allows the fans to remain united as one large family. The magazine stands as a place where everyone can unite no matter what social class, race, religion or sex they are. This is important as it allows the audience to interact with one another and keep their ‘SANITY’ as it acts as a way to escape their problems whilst the ‘real world’ may continue to trouble them.

It mirrors the artists of my genre and how they affect their audiences. For my magazine title I looked at using a variety of different fonts to help create the perfect front cover. Based on my genre my cover needed to look simplistic, unique , easily recognisable and accessible. This meant selecting a font that was visually flattering to the reader. My font had to be in white to again represent the emotions the genre of the magazine gives off to the reader. I wanted my front cover to be minimalistic and simple whilst still sticking to the colour scheme of the genre. The whiteness of the title creates a sense of innocence to the magazine, I chose a black background with small hints of red for some of the cover-lines and important information included in the magazine to bring focus to important information I wanted the readers to pay immediate attention to. 

I also created a survey in which i asked fifteen people at random what font that preferred the most, 'Niagara Solid' received the most votes and therefore i decided to use that font to create my magazine title. I chose to not experiment with colour as i wanted my title to contrast the rest of the detailing that is present on the front cover, I wanted the title to represent purity and be placed at the top of the page whereas the information beneath it could have different representations.

Final Title
This was my final choice, I think the white font blends in well and compliments the black background choice of my front cover for the magazine. I also think it compliments the genre well as well as the titles for many of the artists album covers. The title is short and snappy, it is unique just as the title to Banks's album titled 'BANKS' or Lykke Li's 'Get Some' .The white font stands out against a black background and allows you to introduce colours such as red too as they work well together and create a pleasant mix for the reader to see.If i had to make any changes i would of spent more time experimenting with different colour choices perhaps for the font colour or front cover background. I would of liked to see the difference in impact for the audience.

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